Autore | Messaggio |
ANDI_ Frequentatore

Registrato: Feb 12, 2006 Messaggi: 4
Oggetto: What about some help? |
Hi there.
I`m sorry 4 writting in english but I dunno know how to write in italian.I understand it but I dunno know how 2 write it.Anyway.I like your site a lot a lot a lot.Well done,very good job.
Now stight to the topic .
Please webmaster may u give me some steps how to design a site like yours?What blocks,modules do I need?How to post the news in the header,info,split the main site etc ? a lot of...I know
And my last question do u share your theme?I like it a lot
Take Care
P.S. Fill free to write me even in italian.I understand u 
Dom Feb 12, 2006 4:09 am |
Sniffer Amministratore

Registrato: Jul 20, 2003 Messaggi: 3218
Localitą: Verona
Oggetto: |
Sorry, i have not understood what you are trying, cmq the situated one uses the CMS PHP-Nuke, you can unload it from
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If a handbook serves you it finds it
Su questo forum solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere i links! Registrati o fai il login | , this is the situated one of reference in English
Scusami, non ho capito quello che stai cercando, cmq il sito utilizza il CMS PHP-Nuke, lo puoi scaricare da
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Se ti serve un manuale lo trovi
Su questo forum solo gli utenti registrati possono vedere i links! Registrati o fai il login | , il sito di riferimento
_________________ Non inviatemi pm con richieste di aiuto grazie.
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Dom Feb 12, 2006 4:12 pm |
ANDI_ Frequentatore

Registrato: Feb 12, 2006 Messaggi: 4
Oggetto: |
Looks like I`m a fuckn` numb Sniffer ?
What do u use for your header?How do u post the news in the header.
where kind of block is this: Ultime dai Forums ,and where can I download it?
AND THE MOST IMP QUESTIO ,What about your theme???Is it avaible 4 all?
Dom Feb 12, 2006 4:46 pm |
Sniffer Amministratore

Registrato: Jul 20, 2003 Messaggi: 3218
Localitą: Verona
Oggetto: |
The code for the news in the header is this:
Codice: | echo"<MARQUEE behavior=\"scroll\" direction=\"left\" scrollamount=\"3\" scrolldelay=\"90\" width=\"95%\" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()'><font color=\"#000000\">( News )------</font>";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT sid, title, time, topic, informant FROM $prefix"._stories." ORDER BY time DESC limit $news");
while (list($s_sid, $title, $time, $topic, $informant) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
echo"<font color=\"#000000\">|</font><a href=\"article$s_sid.html\"><font color=\"#000000\">$title</a> - $time</font>";
if ($informant > "") {
echo"<font color=\"#000000\"> - "._BY." $informant";
echo"------</font></MARQUEE>"; |
Sorry my English is not good
_________________ Non inviatemi pm con richieste di aiuto grazie.
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Dom Feb 12, 2006 7:31 pm |
ANDI_ Frequentatore

Registrato: Feb 12, 2006 Messaggi: 4
Oggetto: |
Don`t worry about your english .
If I start using my italiang huh....
Thnx for the help.
I thought I found the best theme but since you don`t sell it... 
Dom Feb 12, 2006 8:21 pm |
ANDI_ Frequentatore

Registrato: Feb 12, 2006 Messaggi: 4
Oggetto: |
hey Im sorry for bothering u again...
I just saw this site:
I like the way they have split the things.It`s not like a common php-nuke.
Blocks are all over the site and not just on the right or left side.Do u know how have they done this?
Gio Feb 16, 2006 4:51 am |
Sniffer Amministratore

Registrato: Jul 20, 2003 Messaggi: 3218
Localitą: Verona
Oggetto: |
You before make to ask the webmaster of that site
_________________ Non inviatemi pm con richieste di aiuto grazie.
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Ven Feb 17, 2006 1:26 am |