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(Ultime News)------|    Nasce supporto ufficiale al cms - (18-06-2011 - 23:04:54 - di matteoiamma)    |------|    Rilasciato Clean Nuke 1.7 - (05-05-2011 - 19:49:43 - di matteoiamma)    |------|    Iamma Multi Blogs: Blogs per gli utenti del nuke - (19-03-2011 - 20:41:08 - di matteoiamma)    |------|    Rilasciato Clean Nuke 1.6 - (13-03-2010 - 20:12:46 - di matteoiamma)    |------|    Nuova Community Italiana: nasce - (11-02-2010 - 22:08:51 - di matteoiamma)    |------|    Rilasciato Clean Nuke 1.5! - (16-12-2009 - 00:44:55 - di matteoiamma)    |------
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Registrato: Jan 23, 2004
Messaggi: 7

Oggetto: ho bisogno di aiuto Rispondi citando

ho installato su lycos php nuke 7.1 ita ma mi da una stringa di errore

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: message_die() in /data/members/free/tripod/it/g/e/n/gentedifiumara/htdocs/db/db.php on line 88

mi hanno detto di configurare meglio il file config: e ora e' cosi:


# PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System
# ============================================
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi (
# This module is to configure the main options for your site
# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.

# Database & System Config
# dbhost: SQL Database Hostname
# dbuname: SQL Username
# dbpass: SQL Password
# dbname: SQL Database Name
# $prefix: Your Database table's prefix
# $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype: Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
# MySQL, mysql4, postgres, mssql, oracle, msaccess,
# db2 and mssql-odbc
# Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!
# $sitekey: Security Key. CHANGE it to whatever you want, as long
# as you want. Just don't use quotes.
# $gfx_chk: Set the graphic security code on every login screen,
# You need to have GD extension installed:
# 0: No check
# 1: Administrators login only
# 2: Users login only
# 3: New users registration only
# 4: Both, users login and new users registration only
# 5: Administrators and users login only
# 6: Administrators and new users registration only
# 7: Everywhere on all login options (Admins and Users)
# NOTE: If you aren't sure set this value to 0
# $subscription_url : If you manage subscriptions on your site, you
# must write here the url of the subscription
# information/renewal page. This will send by
# email if set.

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuname = "gentedifiumara";
$dbpass = "";
$dbname = "id_it_db";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "SdFk*fa28367-dm56w69.3a2fDS+e9";
$gfx_chk = 7;
$subscription_url = "";

/* You finished to configure the Database. Now you can change all */
/* you want in the Administration Section. To enter just launch */
/* you web browser pointing to

ma mi dice sempre quell'errore.Dove sbaglio aiutatemi vi prego

Ven Mag 21, 2004 4:02 pm
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Registrato: Jul 20, 2003
Messaggi: 3218
Localitą: Verona

Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Questa č una configurazione di esempio:
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuname = "Green";
$dbpass = "";
$dbname = "gree_it_db";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "SdFk*fa28367-dm56w69.3a2fDS+e9";

ora l'unica cosa che vedo di strano nella tua configurazione č
$dbname = "id_it_db";



Non inviatemi pm con richieste di aiuto grazie.
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Ven Mag 21, 2004 7:45 pm
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